USCGC Blackfin (WPB-87317) and USCGC Forrest Rednour (WPC-1129) in Costa Rica

Pulled this off the U. S. Coast Guard Pacific Southwest Facebook page after seeing a post by Bill James.

“The Costa Rican Coast Guard hosted crews from the @USCGC Forrest Rednour- WPC 1129 and Blackfin – WPB 87317 during a subject matter exchange in Golfito, Costa Rica May 15 and 16. The Coast Guard’s IUUF Center of Excellence facilitated a valuable exchange of best practices and raised the awareness of participating agencies concerning Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing. The exchange was attended by Costa Rican Coast Guard (SNG), Fisheries and Aquaculture Institute (INCOPESCA), the National System of Conservation Areas (SINAC) on Regional Fisheries Management Organizations and the Inter-American Tropical Tunas Commission. These efforts greatly amplify diplomatic progress towards broader bilateral ties with Costa Rica to counter the challenges of IUUF and other forms of illicit maritime activity.”

Surprised they sent an 87 footer to Costa Rica. Could be because we will be transferring one or more to the Costa Rican Coast Guard? Costa Rica already has two former USCG Island class cutters.

BALTIMORE, MD, UNITED STATES, 02.13.2018, Costa Rican Coast Guard 1st Agent Davis Herrera stands watch over the newly acquired 110-foot patrol boat given to the Costa Rican Coast Guard by the U.S. Coast Guard at the Coast Guard Yard in Baltimore, Maryland, Feb. 13, 2018. Two of the former U.S. Coast Guard cutters are now Costa Rican Coast Guard Libertador class patrol boats. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Ronald Hodges)

The USCG has had a long-term relationship with Costa Rica that goes back more than 50 years with a liaison officer having been stationed there. The relationship may go back as far as the founding of the Costa Rican Coast Guard in 1949.

While historically US Navy ships have not been welcomed in Costa Rica, Coast Guard cutters have been welcomed.

Blackfin is homeported in Santa Barbara and Forrest Readnour in San Pedro, CA.

This is from 1989, but good background. Looks like a lot has changed.

2 thoughts on “USCGC Blackfin (WPB-87317) and USCGC Forrest Rednour (WPC-1129) in Costa Rica

  1. Would like to know the logistics of that trip. It’s 3228 nm from Santa Barbara to that port in Costa Rica. The 87 only has a range of approx 900 nm. Even the WPC only has a range of 2500 nm. Sounds like a lot of pit stops.

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