Former USCGC Acushnet in Another Life

War is Boring brings us a story about an effort to repurpose the former USCGC Acushnet (WMEC-167),

World War II Navy ship might be used to house homeless veterans in California.”

If you are just reading the title, you might think there was a mistake, but Acushnet was originally USS Shackle (ARS-9), a rescue and salvage ship.

I don’t have a lot of optimism about their long-term success, but wish the new owners luck.

Currently the ship is at the marina at Brown Point in Tacoma, Washington.

I also found it interesting that there are still remnants as the four concrete drydocks in Napa. Every time I see something like this, I think it would be a good idea to have a Coast Guard Yard, West.

Thanks to Paul for bringing this to my attention.

5 thoughts on “Former USCGC Acushnet in Another Life

  1. The problem in Puget Sound is that there are many historic ships and people with big dreams chasing a finite number of dollars for restoring and maintaining them – a tough job

  2. At best, this is a temporary fix for a serious issue. I suggest building land based housing construction is the best option.

  3. It’s a constant battle, fundraising, applying for grants, coming up with activities for groups to rent/charter a ship – if the activity is underway then having qualified crew.

    I have seen some ships with the deck tented over for years while they try to redo the decks to keep the water from doing more damage.

    A few times I was privy to the costs of a simple yearly haul-out and not much repair and the numbers made my head spin.

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